1. “The elevation of mundane objects to artistic subjects appealed to Modernists.” And to me.
2. Don’t lean too close to the paintings. That alarm is loud!
3. Don’t even THINK about talking on your phone in the galleries.
4. James Whistler painted more than just his mother. LOTS more.
5. Jackson Pollock, Cy Twombly, and Willem de Kooning are the emperors who wear no clothing.
Have you ever done something in an art museum that the guards had to reprimand you for? Do tell! What do you think of Jackson, Cy and Willem? Do you like “Saw” by Stuart Davis?
0 thoughts on “What I Learned At The Art Institute Of Chicago”
The Illinois poet Vachel lindsay once gave Theodore Roosevelt a tour of the Art Institute. I can’t decide which one was crazier. (Vachel Lindsay also read his poem, “The Wedding of the Rose and the Lotus” to Congress on the eve of the opening of the Panama Canal. I wonder how crazy Vachel felt, being the most sane man in the room.)
My favorite New Yorker cartoon: Two pidgeons talking, one says, “I was inspired by Jackson Pollack.”