Becky’s Teeny Tiny Complaints

I went to the movies for the first time in longer than I can remember.

I wasn’t planning on it, but after everyone on the planet—or at least six people—told me to go see “Wicked,” I succumbed.

I’ve seen it on stage several times, so I was worried they’d ruin it, but it was great. Although I will say, when Elphaba flies up from the stage at the end of the first act, there’s no movie CGI that can compare to the goosebumps you get from a live performance. Just sayin’.

But that’s not my point.

My point is how much I loathe going to the movies these days.

• They make you be there at a certain time.

• There are icky other people there, even when you go to a show on Tuesday afternoon.

• And even when there are only eight other people in the theater, they make you squint at a teeny tiny screen to choose your seats.

• But the weirdest thing is that there’s no marquee anymore! There’s no sign outside showing what’s playing, and there’s no sign inside showing what’s playing either. How are you supposed to know which movie to sneak into after you see your movie??

And look at this teeny tiny ticket! What’s the point of that thing with a QR code that goes nowhere?

Can you hear me offer up a teeny tiny sigh?

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