Lest you think I am obsessed with how I look, let me just explain that I recently bought a new Kodak camera and now I get their newsletter.
An article about how to look great in photos caught my eye because I threw down the photographic gauntlet at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference I recently attended. Knowing that the satisfaction of a job well done does not sway a rowdy crowd of writers, I offered a free drink to the first person to take a flattering picture of me.
“Flattering” being the operative word.
I have many fine qualities ”” one of which is I laugh … a LOT ”” but I am not a photogenic person. Possibly because I’m always laughing.
There is an official photographer for the conference. He comes into every workshop session to snap a couple of photos of the speaker. As a long-time participant at the conference, I know he sneaks in, takes a shot or two, then leaves … all very inconspicuous.
This was my first time as a presenter at the conference, so I knew he’d show up eventually to each of my workshops. Imagine my dismay when this charming man with a camera so big I can only assume it helps NASA in some way, enters my workshop while I’m speaking and snaps, oh, 4,000 pictures.
Later I asked him, “Seriously?? 4,000 pictures??”
He shrugged and said, “You never stop.” I’m fairly certain he didn’t mean it as a compliment.
So, I will start practicing as this article suggests (posture! chin down! toes pointed! arms back! smile with my eyes … WTH?? That one will be challenging because my eyes are almost always scanning the crowd for free doughnuts and cute sandals).
While I’m practicing, please enjoy these really bad photos from one of my very favorite websites … Awkward Family Photos which you will always find in my sidebar along with other fabulous timewasters I adore. I take solace in the fact I’ve never been featured there.
Are you one of the photogenic ones, or would you like to come sit by me so we can talk about them?
4 thoughts on “How To Look Great In Photos”
I am so not photogenic. That’s why I’m BEHIND the camera, taking the pictures. 😀
But Angela … if you learn all the photographic secrets the world holds, then photos of you will ROCK! (And then you should take a few snaps of me!)
The only place I photograph well is at the DMV. For some reason the awful background, horrendous lighting, and the long wait time does something for my complexion, smile, and overall “look”… It’s scary.
Steph … that’s hilarious! Coincidentally, my cousin recently said on facebook that at her DMV they kept taking pictures till they got a good one of her. (I can’t believe it was too difficult because she’s gorgeous.) She got a gazillion comments that said, “I’m going to *your* DMV next time!”